Protective ophthalmic solution of the ocular surface
The tear film, in addition to lubrication, helps to modulate the inflammatory response of the ocular surface, favouring repair processes and maintaining or restoring structural integrity. It also plays a crucial role in the natural antimicrobial defences of the eye, constituting a physiological protective barrier against environmental bacteria and counteracting the potential development of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
An optimal condition of the ocular surface therefore favours a correct inflammatory response and innate and adaptive immunity, as well as contribute to the protection of the ocular surface against pathogenic bacteria.
Immunodrop is a medical device useful to protect and stabilise the ocular surface, particularly indicated in case of symptoms derived from alteration of the tear film, such as red eye, eye irritated by external agents or dry eye.
The clinical benefits of Immunodrop are due to the fact that the individual components, through a tear film reconstruction process and increased adhesion of the positive bacteria naturally present on the ocular surface, stabilise the tear film and restore the natural protective barrier against external microbial agents, pollutants and environmental substances.
Immunodrop is also useful for restoring the normal equilibrium of the tear film, which is altered during or following infections (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis and sty), even recurrent, and after eye surgery.
The Immunodrop bottle is fitted with a technological system that enables the product to be preserved without the use of preservatives. The absence of preservatives further prevents irritation of the ocular surface.